

How We Gather

The Church isn't a building or the singing of songs, a location or a sermon. The church is nothing if it's not you and me, sons and daughters, belonging to each other because our Father calls us family!

We're re-imagining what is means to follow the way of Jesus in a faith community during this time of COVID-19, and here's how we're living that out.


Sunday gatherings are the primary way we gather as a community to consider the Scriptures, worship together, pray for one another, and meet at the table of our Lord. Every Sunday morning we gather around the story of Jesus together at our physical church location here 5B Motto Court Hoppers Crossing Melbourne, Australia 3029 You can join us live on our livestream page, Facebook and Youtube. Join us live at 10:00AM on Sundays, or watch the recorded message at a time that works for you.


Meeting at the Lord's table to partake in a shared supper is a central practice for us as we practice our faith here in Niagara. We meet at the Lord's table just about every time we get together in person, and that's no exception even at a distance. Join us every Wednesday night at 6PM live on Facebook & Youtube to share word and pray together. Tell your family and friends!

We desire to see every person at Upper Room develop an intimate relationship and worship with God through the word and personal prayer life. We grow in prayer through groups

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