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New to Upper Room Assembly?

You might be wondering, what's it really like at Upper Room Assembly? Simply stated, at Upper Room, we're all about Jesus words and prayer. You won't be met with shame, guilt, or condemnation. And we don't care how you're dressed or what candidate you voted for. Our church is made up of imperfect people with every kind of story imaginable. Want to know the best part? No matter what you've been through or what questions you might have about God and faith, our church is a place where you'll find the love, grace, and forgiveness Jesus gives to everyone. When you walk through the doors of Upper Room Assembly You can expect: 1. To feel welcomed and loved 2.. To enter into an experience of worship 3. To hear the Bible taught verse by verse, chapter by chapter 4. To enjoy the company of like-minded people.

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If you've never heard of Upper Room Assembly before, or even if you just don't know much about the Upper Room Assembly philosophy of ministry, you can find out more about the movement or about our church's specific beliefs and statement of faith. Just click the appropriate card below.

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We desire to see every person at Upper Room develop an intimate relationship and worship with God through the word and personal prayer life. We grow in prayer through groups

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